Pınar Selek
Head of European Commission-Directorate-General Enlargement: "I would like to reassure you that we will continue to monitor the case closely and reiterate the importance of respect of the right to a fair trial."
Jean-Christophe Filori, Head of  European Commission-Directorate-General Enlargement responded officially to the letter written by Yasemin Öz, president of Kaos GL Association and lawyer of Pinar Selek, on Pınar Selek case. In his letter, Filori expressed that European Commission monitors the Pınar Selek case from the beginning. He stated that; "The decision of the local court to sentence Pinar Selek, who had been acquitted three times by the same Court, to life imprisonment adds yet another episode to this case. The Commission deeply regrets this further prolongation and underlines the importance to respect the right to a fair trial within a reasonable period of time, enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights. I would like to reassure you that we will continue to monitor the case closely and reiterate the importance of respect of the right to a fair trial.

Here is the letter;

Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Pınar Selek
Mahkeme Süreci Court Process