Book presentation: “Listen to Women for a Change” – Take stock of women’s demands 15 years after the Beijing Conference on Women
In September 1995, Beijing hosted the Fourth UN World Conference on Women. Around 45,000 officials and civil society representatives met in the Chinese capital, making it the largest meeting on women ever.
A Platform for Action was adopted in Beijing and thanks to the networking and sharing of experiences of all those women and various organisations, this fascinating event turned out to be the starting point for many activities and movements.
Fifteen years after Beijing and ten years after the adoption on the UN Security Council Resolution 1325 on women in armed conflict, how do women discuss yesterday’s demands and today’s challenges?
Fourteen international politicians, activists and scientists present their views with articles in the book “Listen to Women For a Change”. Why does poverty remain mostly a female issue? Why is more money than ever expended for armament today, while the resources for gender justice are short of cash? What is the situation of ethnic minorities and migrants? Are there any improvements in the fight against sexual viol