ECVF (Elues Contre les Violences faites aux Femmes) Elected politicians standing against gender-based violence, is a French NGO dedicated to women’s rights.
For twenty years, we’ve been raising awareness on the issue of gender-based violence, supporting and training institutions in their fight against sexism, and sharing good practice to implement feminist policies at the local, national and global level.
The universality of women’s rights is one of our core values. That’s why, in 2014, we were already in Istanbul and released a statement claiming our “total support for Pinar Selek. We will continue to fight by her side, and hope that a final acquittal will be pronounced soon. So that she can finally live free.”
Yet, almost ten years later, we are still here. This says a lot about the dedication of the Turkish government to silence Pinar. Because she’s a woman, a scientist, a relentless activist and artist.
ECVF knows, we all do, that Pinar Selek is innocent.
Now more than ever, we stand with her. For truth, justice and peace.
CVF (Elues Contre les Violences faites aux Femmes)